Professor Yury Shelygin, Past President of ESCP, reports on ESCP's First Joint Regional Masterclass with S-ECCO.

Yury Shelygin 1ESCP/S-ECCO Joint Regional Masterclass, 16 April 2015, Moscow, Russia

This year ESCP introduced its First Joint Regional Masterclass in Moscow this past April.

The educational standard of the one day course was very high. Brilliant lectures were presented by Sergey Achkasov (Russia), Sue Clark (UK), Andre D'Hoore (Belgium), Ailsa Hart (UK), Paulo Kotze (Brazil), Dion Morton (UK), Ronan O'Connell (Ireland), Jordi Rimola (Spain), Igor Khalif (Russia) and Yves Panis (France). Mike Parker's (UK) facilitation of the Consultants' Corner made a great contribution to the programme. The Masterclass covered all aspects of IBD multi-disciplinary team approach, including imaging, medical therapy and surgery.

Particularly important for overcoming language barriers was simultaneous translation for Russian-speaking attendees which was provided throughout the congress.

The First Regional Masterclass was a fantastic initiative for ESCP and was tremendously successful. 1386 participants from 28 countries attended the 3 day course. With the success of this event, we hope to make it an annual event, hosted in a different country each year.

ECCO logoESCP's first regional educational masterclass was organised in conjunction with s-ECCO and took place on the first day of the International Congress of the Russian Association of Coloproctology.

ESCP is grateful for the kind support of Professor Yury Shelygin, Past President of ESCP and the local organiser and also extends thanks to all ESCP and s-ECCO speakers for their participation and contributions to this successful event.

Ethicon: part of the Johnson & Johnson family of companiesThe first ESCP/s-ECCO joint regional masterclass was supported by an education grant from Ethicon.

Download the masterclass programme here (457kb PDF)