Below are ESCP conference presentations on Crohn's disease, selected for trainees.
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Keynote lecture
video Multidisciplinary management of perianal Crohn's disease
Andre D'Hoore at ESCP Milan 2016
Educational sessions
video Dissection for ileocolic Crohn's
Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands) at ESCP Nice 2018
video Ileocecal Crohn's debate: Pro stricturoplasty
Andre D'hoore (Belgium) at ESCP Nice 2018
video Ileocecal Crohn's debate: Pro ileocecal resection
Janindra Warusavitarne (UK) at ESCP Nice 2018
video Multidisciplinary management of ileocecal Crohn's disease
Willem Bemelman (The Netherlands) and Krisztina Gecse (The Netherlands) at ESCP Berlin 2017
video Core Subject Update: Guidelines on abdominal Crohn's disease
Willem Bemelman at ESCP Milan 2016
video Ulcerative Colitis: Impact of antibody therapy on surgical outcomes in IBD
Krisztina Gecse (Hungary) and Jérémie Lefevre (France) at ESCP Nice 2018
video Ulcerative Colitis: Can surgeons influence Crohn's disease recurrence?
Andre D'Hoore (Belgium) at ESCP Nice 2018
video Controversies in Crohn's disease management: New surgical approaches in Crohn's anal and rectovaginal fistulas
Omar Faiz at ESCP Dublin 2015
video Controversies in Crohn's disease management: New surgical techniques for Crohn's
Willem Bemelman and André D’Hoore at ESCP Dublin 2015
video Controversies in Crohn's disease management: Medical therapy after 'curative' ileocaecal resection: what’s new?
Gert Van Assche at ESCP Dublin 2015