ESCP's Constitution and Rules are made up of the following documents:

ESCP Rules Revision 2021 - for Member Review

A major task for ESCP has been the revision of the Rules at regular time intervals. Three years after the last revision in 2016, a Rules Working Group was established at the AGM in Vienna 2019 and, following numerous contacts among Executive members, presented the first draft at the Vilnius Meeting in February 2020. Further revisions of the Rules draft continued, and its final version was approved by the Executive. According to the initial timeline, the following steps should take place: i) submission of the draft to the Board of the Trustees for comments; ii) uploading the draft to the ESCP website for comments by members; iii) legal advice and aligned amendments of the Articles; and iv) submission of the final version to the 2020 AGM for ratification. We failed to comply with the timeline, mostly because of the pandemic. But here we are now: the revised Rules have been approved by both the Executive and the Trustees. Therefore, being consistent with our initial plans, the legacy and democratic principles of our Society, the draft with the revised Rules is now uploaded for the comments of membership.

Feedback from the membership is fundamental for the function and thriving of ESCP. After all, you are the Society – the members.

The main novel elements provided by the amended and new clauses of the revised Rules are i) the plea for balanced gender and geographic representation and regular rotation for the intent of diversity in all positions; and ii) the establishment of the Global, the Young-ESCP and the Innovation Committees.

Following your feedback for any further amendment, legal advice is to be asked for the finalisation of the new Rules, the ratification of which will take place at an extraordinary AGM, hopefully within this year.

Please click here for the ESCP Rules Revision 2021.

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