Below are ESCP conference presentations on perioperative management, selected for trainees. 

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Keynote lectures

video Strategies to reduce superficial surgical site infection

Marja Boermeester (The Netherlands) at ESCP Nice 2018

video Post-operative ileus: decreasing the risk

Charles Littlejohn at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Bowel preparation for colorectal surgery revisited

Yves Panis at ESCP Dublin 2015

Educational sessions

video Core Subject Update: Bowel preparation

Yves Panis (France) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Core Subject Update: Definition, prevention and treatment of postoperative ileus

Martin Hübner (Switzerland) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Core Subject Update: Perioperative managment in colorectal surgery

Martin Hübner at ESCP Dublin 2015

video Interactive Trainee Workshop: Postoperative sepsis

Dieter Hahnloser at ESCP Dublin 2015


video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: Prehabilitation in the elderly

Christianne Buskens (The Netherlands) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: ERAS - what's left of it?

Jose M Ramirez (Spain) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: Pain management - do's and dont's

Nicolas Demartines (Switzerland) at ESCP Berlin 2017

video Enhanced Recovery Programmes: Panel debate

ESCP Berlin 2017

ESCP Affiliates