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video Watch and wait approach following extended neoadjuvant chemoradiation for distal rectal cancer: are we getting closer to anal cancer management?

By In Rectal Cancer

ASCRS Visiting Fellow Free Paper - Angelita Habr-Gama at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Tailored abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer

By In Rectal Cancer

Educational workshop - Anna Martling at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video One in three patients require a stoma in cytoreductive surgery for peritoneal malignancy and in half the stoma is permanent: experience with 958 patients

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Oral poster - Stefan Riss at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Pelvic surgery for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer - where is the limit? Selection and staging

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Paris Tekkis at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Pelvic surgery for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer - where is the limit? Technical aspects (inc. IORT)

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Torbj

video Pelvic surgery for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer - where is the limit? Quality and outcome

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Frank Frizelle at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Pelvic surgery for advanced and recurrent rectal cancer - where is the limit? Discussion

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Symposium - Paris Tekkis, Torbj

video Enbloc LAR + hystero-salpingo-oophorectomy with transvaginal specimen removal

By In Peritoneal Malignancies

Video surgery - Aras Emre Canda at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video Progress or regress? Natural history of anal dysplasia in HIV-infected patients

By In AIN and Anal Cancer

Free paper - Laurent Siproudhis at ESCP Belgrade 2013

video How useful is magnetic resonance imaging in detecting anal cancer recurrence?

By In AIN and Anal Cancer

Oral poster - Jan Lee at ESCP Belgrade 2013

ESCP Affiliates