The use of Twitter by surgeons, particularly in relation to scientific congresses is the topic of research by Juan José Segura-Sampedro, Morales Soriano R, Ramos Rodríguez JL, González-Argenté FJ and Mayol J published on PubMed and Elsevier España. Segura- Sampedro is also an active member of Young ESCP (European School of Coloproctology).

The study, into Twitter’s use relating to the Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC), has implications for the international surgical community. On the back of the growth and penetration of Twitter use related to such scientific congresses, it is expected it will be an increasingly important tool in the management and transmission of knowledge, as well as in the creation of collaborative networks between professionals.

The research monitored the use of Twitter from 2013 to 2016 at the congresses of the Spanish Association of Surgeons (AEC). To do this, the hashtags (# rnc13, # cnc14, # rnc15, # cncirugia16) were analyzed through various websites for analysis of hashtags.

Juan José Segura Sampedro explained: “The use of Twitter among the members of the Spanish Association of Surgeons has increased, surpassing other American societies. It has increased in number of tweets, in number of tweeters and in the ratio of the same with respect to those attending congresses. 

“While at the beginning the majority of tweets (65%) were the responsibility of a group of influencers, in recent years, due to the increase in tweets, the maximum influencers are only responsible for 35% of tweets. The number of institutional accounts in the top 10 has also been reduced.”

Authors of study:

Juan Jose Segura: @SeguraJuanJ
Rafael Morales: @RMoralesSoriano
José Luis Ramos: @DrJLRamos
Xavier González: @XGonzalezArg
Julio Mayol: @JulioMayol


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