In the first of our 'Meet the Executive' series we introduce ESCP Immediate Past President, Per Nilsson, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Senior Lecturer at Karolinska University Hospital.

Per NilssonName: Per J Nilsson

Current Position and Hospital: Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Senior Lecturer at Karolinska University Hospital

ESCP Executive position: President

Main clinical and research interests: Colorectal and Anal cancer, and IBD surgery

Twitter handle: @PerJNilsson1

What made you want to specialise in colorectal surgery?

Colorectal surgery involves benign and malignant diseases, women and men, young and old patients. Surgical quality has an impact on patient outcomes. Surgery is challenging and all colorectal surgeons experience complications in their patients creating a humble atmosphere and great camaraderie among colleagues.

What is the best part of the job?

To participate in a team providing support, advise and sometimes being able to cure patients.

How long have you been involved in ESCP and what made you want to become involved?

I started as a National Representative for Sweden in 2010 and then became Regional Representative for the central region in 2012. In 2013 I became part of the Executive as Chair of the External Relations Committee.

What do you value most about being involved in ESCP?

Through education and research, ESCP creates the optimal platform for developing surgical quality for the benefit of patients across Europe (and even globally).

Tell us your best ESCP conference anecdote?

During the ESCP meeting in Sorrento a Swedish colorectal surgeon noticed that non-alcoholic beer in Italy is very colorectal - "An-alcolica" could be read "Anal-colica"...

What would your one bit of advice for younger surgeons starting their career in colorectal surgery be?

Attend ESCP annual meetings regularly (in particular the educational sessions), when possible participate in a ESCP Masterclass, participate actively in the ESCP Cohort Studies and, when you are ready take the EBSQ exam during an ESCP meeting.

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