Mikael Machado is Chair of ESCP's Membership Committee and Senior Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at Ersta Hospital in Stockholm
Current Position and Hospital: Senior Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at Ersta Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
ESCP Executive position: Chair of Membership Committee
Main clinical and research interests: Rectal Cancer Surgery (functional outcomes), IBD Surgery and Anal Cancer
What made you want to specialise in colorectal surgery?
I started my career as a pediatric surgeon which included two years of adult surgery training at Ersta Hospital. After practicing pediatric surgery at another hospital, I was later asked to return to Ersta Hospital. At that time (1993), the surgical department had sub-specialised into Upper GI and Colorectal surgery and the rest is history…
What is the best part of the job?
The combination of intellectual challenges, surgery and patient interaction.
How long have you been involved in ESCP and what made you want to become involved?
I participated in the first ESCP annual meeting in Lisbon 2006 and since then have participated in all September meetings. From an early onset, I wanted to be involved actively and have held positions as a national representative, regional representative, member of the web committee and communications committee.
What do you value most about being involved in ESCP?
The wide range of contacts that ESCP has given me truly is an inspiration and complement the day to day work. I also value being involved in an organisation that is constantly growing, not only in Europe, but worldwide.
Tell us your best ESCP conference anecdote?
At the Malta conference in 2007, I realised that my colleagues could not be found in the afternoon at the venue. When I returned to my hotel room, I discovered an amazing view over the Mediterranean where I could see a group of seals sunbathing in the distance on a cliff by the sea. As I found myself a bit lonely, I phoned a colleague that asked me to look out the window. Imagine my surprise when all the 'seals' waved at me...
What would your one bit of advice for younger surgeons starting their career in colorectal surgery be?
Firstly, I would like to congratulate young colleagues for choosing a specialty where advances are completed at a rapid pace. It is important to stay up to date by participating in national and international meetings. Apply for fellowships as you will benefit from invaluable contacts and insight into alternative routines and skills compared to your own surgical department.