Richard Brady is ESCP's Communications Committee Chair, and Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Newcastle Hospitals and Newcastle University, UK.
Current position and hospital: Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Hospitals and Newcastle University, UK
ESCP Executive position: Assistant Communications Committee Chair
Main clinical and research interests: IBD and pouch surgery, abdominal wall reconstruction, digital surgery and building online communities in surgery
Twitter handle: @researchactive
What made you want to specialise in colorectal surgery?
Colorectal surgery covers a broad spectrum of conditions, management options and techniques which provides a unique and tailored approach to every patient - especially in IBD. It is a highly humbling, innovative and evolving specialty.
What is the best part of the job?
My job as an IBD surgeon allows me to provide transformative and often curative surgery to those who have suffered from disease for many, many years. The careful multidisciplinary team approach to IBD surgery demands cooperation, clarity, careful checks and collective decision making. It is a field in which almost every aspect, drugs and techniques, are undergoing new changes and evolution. We have some way to go to define and develop the best surgical approaches for these conditions and the baseline principles have not really changed in 30 -40 years. In addition, our understanding of and predicting the behaviour of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis continues to evolve but essentially remains an enigma. Performing such surgery can provide patients such improvement in quality of life and is a massively rewarding field.
How long have you been involved in ESCP and what made you want to become involved?
I have been involved in ESCP since 2015 when I introduced the society’s first social media channels and led improvements to the society’s website contract as part of my role on the education committee. Since then I have led a number of working parties on issues like developing the society app, communications capacity, videos and have regularly led a technology session at the annual meeting.
My current role as Assistant Chair of Communications Committee will evolve to Chair this year and I am very excited about harnessing my previous experience in other fields (such as digital lead for NIHR CRN NENC and social media director at the British Journal of Surgery) with the massive capacity now built within the society to maximise coverage and global dissemination of colorectal news, knowledge and developments for the world’s leading and largest colorectal society.
What do you value most about being involved in ESCP?
The ESCP is a society which offers much to members and achieves the very best from those enthusiastic members who are on committees. It supports ideas, breaks moulds and provides an instant and wide ranging network of international connections with Europe’s best, enthusiastic and welcoming colorectal surgeons. This is a friendly society which continues to break boundaries and engages massively with its primary focus and duty to the membership.
Could you tell us your best ESCP conference anecdote?
There are honestly too many to tell!
If you had one bit of advice for younger surgeons starting their career in colorectal surgery what would it be?
Join the ESCP, get involved, come to meetings, speak up, volunteer and get engaged with Europe's friendliest and most progressive colorectal society. We are growing rapidly but the innovations provided by the next generation are needed to steer the society and make it truly fit for the future. We want your views to help to stay at the cutting edge of surgical developments. We are a diverse and welcoming group, don't miss out.