On 25 Sep 2018
ESCP's Education Committee has launched a new training school to help surgeons continue their professional education and development in the latest techniques of their field.On 19 Sep 2018
Two ESCP members have secured the coveted Japan Society of Coloproctology (JSCP) and Korea Society of Coloproctology (KSCP) Travelling Fellowships. Congratulations to Dr Gaetano Gallo and Dr Audrius Dulskas respectively.On 19 Sep 2018
Audrius Dulskas reports on the experience he gained in colorectal cancer surgery during his fellowship in Korea. His trip included the International Colorectal Research Summit and visits to different tertiary referral centres in Seoul.On 2 Aug 2018
The colorectal specialist’s life is never quiet, and that is never truer than in the earlier years of your career as you seek to learn and practice as much as you can, alongside very challenging workloads. As such, it can be easy to postpone researching and applying for extra learning opportunities, always consoling yourself with a promise to undertake it the following year.On 23 Jul 2018
ESCP Fellowships are a career-enriching experience The application deadline is quickly approaching for several popular annual ESCP Fellowships, and members are advised to get their applications in as quickly as possible.