ESCP's 4th Regional Masterclass took place in Budapest, Hungary on Thursday 17 November 2017. The subject was 'Improving quality of care in colorectal cancer surgical management'.

The Regional Events Working Group is delighted to report on the last winter ESCP event held in Budapest (Hungary) on Friday 17 November 2017.

This was the 4th Masterclass led under ESCP and convened in Budapest in conjunction with the 2017 meeting of the Hungarian Surgical Society Chapter of Coloproctology. The Masterclass focused on the surgical care of colorectal cancers and delivered both basic and expert management messages to more than 300 delegates from Hungary and neighbouring countries.

The panel of well-known ESCP speakers covered very efficiently, not all, but many of the modern aspects of the surgical management of this frequent condition in our daily practice. The presentations were interestingly introduced by Hungarian colleagues and both basic and more complex approaches were presented in a lively fashion with excellent interaction from the floor. It concluded with a lively case-discussion of the three cases submitted to the consultants' corner.

Registered delegates were able to assess their knowledge prior the meeting with a pre-test prepared by the speakers. Post-test answers with references have been forwarded to those who have kindly filled out the feedback forms. It will allow the organising committee and the Executive of the ESCP to evaluate the appropriateness of the educational content of the Masterclass.

Of note, while presenting on the results of the ESCP snapshot audit 2015 dedicated to ileo-colic anastomosis, Prof Peter Christensen, Chair of the ESCP Communications Committee strongly encouraged the attending surgeons to register their centres on the new studies starting soon (2017 on-going audit: 

With the agreement of the speakers, power point. presentations will be soon available on the educational platform of the ESCP website and made accessible to our members.

The REWG wishes to express its sincere thanks to our Hungarian colleagues and the organizing committee of their National Society for allowing us to have set up this excellent ESCP Masterclass. We do hope that this educational day has provided pragmatic clues to the attending colleagues for their day-to-day practice.

The organising committee: Attila Bursics, Béla Lester, Géza Papp, Paul Lehur, Klaus Matzel, Emmanuel Tiret

The 4th Regional Masterclass was supported by an educational grant from Medtronic. The organizing committee greatly thank the company for their help that has made this event to happen.

Photo Gallery

Opening presentation screenPanel of five men plus one other speaking to audienceDelegates holding up blue rectangles of paperPanel of four menAudience watching slide of operationTwo presenters standing speaking to audienceAudienceConsultants' corner presentation

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