We are delighted to have Heidy Rapalo (Honduras), Ashish Rajbhandari (Nepal), Mohamed Abdelkhalek (Egypt) and Tuhin Shah (Nepal) joining us in Berlin thanks to our conference delegate support programme.

As part of their application, ESCP asked them to submit a report on the state of coloproctology in their country and you can read these reports below:

ESCP offers a financial support package that aims to welcome delegates for whom attendance at an ESCP Conference may not ordinarily be an option. Successful applicants must satisfy the follow criteria:

  • Must be employed in a relevant coloproctological role.
  • Must reside and practice in a country ranked 100 or higher in the World Bank’s ‘GDP Ranking’.
  • Must submit a report, prior to their attendance at conference, on the state of coloproctology in their country.
  • Must be an ESCP member at the time of applying.

Applications for 2017 are now closed

ESCP Affiliates