ESCP's 5th Regional Masterclass took place in Stockholm, Sweden on Thursday 12 April 2018. The topic selected for this Masterclass was 'Management of Colon Cancer'. ESCP and the Regional Events Working Group proudly report on the ESCP Masterclass.

This is the fifth time that an ESCP Masterclass was organised in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Swedish Society for Colon and Rectal Surgeons. The Masterclass attracted close to 150 delegates mainly from Sweden but also from close to 10 different countries ranging as far as Oman. The topic chosen was a common disease - Colon Cancer.

The faculty included well-known ESCP speakers but intertwined into the program were local Swedish experts. All presenters delivered brilliant talks covering all aspects of colon cancer such as acute presentation, genetic differences in tumours, metastatic disease and robotic surgery and locally advanced colon cancer. Speaker/audience interaction was inspiring, and many challenging questions were raised from the delegates.

Prof. Dion Morton, Chair of ESCP Research Committee gave participants a taste of results to be expected shortly from the FOxTROT trial and encouraged the continued support for ESCP Cohort Studies.

The Grand Finale of the Masterclass was a Consultants Corner with an International panel. They were challenged with difficult colon cancer cases presented by Sweden's National ESCP Representative Marcel Sadeghi together with Prof. Torbjörn Holm. Lively discussions, some differences in opinion and a few laughs made this programme item a particular success.

The REWG wishes to express its gratitude to the Swedish Society and to the local organising committee for contributing to making this Masterclass a tremendous success.

The organising committee: Paul-Antoine Lehur, Klaus Matzel, Anna Martling, Gabriella Palmer and Per J Nilsson.

This Masterclass was supported by an Educational Grant from Johnson & Johnson.

Photo Gallery

Per Nilsson giving introductionView of class attendees from front Eloy Espin Basany giving presentationView of class attendees from side Mef Nilbert giving presentationDion Morton giving presentation Per Nilsson giving presentationDieter Hahnloser giving presentation

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