Nice will host ESCP's 13th Scientific Meeting, 26-28 September 2018. Pre-meeting visit opportunities are available for 12 fellows/senior trainees in coloproctology in six local centres of excellence in coloproctology in France, lasting 2 days, 24-25 September 2018.

Teaching centres

  1. Prof. Philippe Rouanet (Montpellier)
    Institut Regional Cancer Montpellier, Parc Euromedecine
    208 Rue Des Apothicaires, 34070 Montpellier
  2. Dr Bernard Lelong (Marseille)
    Institut Paoli Calmettes,
    232 Boulevard Sainte Marguerite, 13009 Marseille
  3. Dr Laura Beyer-Berjot (Marseille)
    Service de Chirurgie Digestive, Hôpital Nord
    APHM, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille
  4. Dr Diane Mege (Marseille)
    Service de Chirurgie Digestive, Pr Sielezneff, CHU Timone
    264 rue Saint Pierre, 13005 Marseille
  5. Prof. Eddy Cotte (Grand Lyon)
    Service de chirurgie digestive et endocrinienne, Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud
    165 chemin du grand Revoyet, 69495 Pierre Bénite cedex
  6. Prof. Jean-Luc Faucheron (Grenoble)
    Unité de Chirurgie Colorectale, Clinique Universitaire de Chirurgie Digestive et de l'Urgence
    Hôpital Michallon 12ème étage, BP 217, 38043 Grenoble cedex

Each centre will host two senior trainees for 2 full days (Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 September), which will allow them to participate in the teaching centre’s day-to-day clinical activities.


Accommodation, travel and meals will be supported by a grant of €450 for each successful applicant. Travel arrangements to the placement location (and onwards to Nice) will be the trainees’ responsibility to arrange. A programme will be provided by each centre under direct supervision of the local chair and organiser, and they will also assist in directly liaising with the trainee regarding advice about travel and local accommodation.

At the end of the 2 days, trainees will then be able to travel to Nice to attend the annual scientific meeting. We are pleased to advise that the registration rate will be discounted by 50% for any pre-congress placement trainees who attend the meeting.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must:

  • be a member of ESCP
  • have training in general surgery for at least 3 years
  • have a manifested interest in coloproctology as evidenced by practise, teaching, research or writings,
  • clearly define a benefit to be gained from this experience

How to apply

Submitted applications will be reviewed by the ESCP Education Committee.

The deadline for applications Friday 10 August. Please contact the ESCP Fellowship Programme Manager if you have any questions about your application.


Afterwards, we will be asking you to prepare a written report for the ESCP website to provide an account of your Pre-Congress Placement experience.

ESCP Affiliates