ESCP is delighted to announce that up to 12 fellowships will be available during the forthcoming year 2014/15. The aim of these fellowships is to assist surgeons currently in training in coloproctology centres to undertake a three-month visit at a centre in a different country within Europe. ESCP will award these ten places on a regional basis, three places for applicants located in ESCP’s east, west and central regions, and one place for someone located outside Europe. The deadline for applications: Friday 4 July 2014.

Successful applicants will be people who demonstrate potential for achieving a leadership position in colon and rectal surgery or proctology, and who are members of ESCP. Each Fellow will receive a grant of €8,000.

Candidates must:

  • be a member of ESCP,
  • have training in general surgery for at least 5 years, holding a national CCST,
  • have a manifested interest in coloproctology as evidenced by practise, teaching, research or writings,
  • clearly define a benefit to be gained from this experience. 

How to apply

Candidates must apply via the online application form below by Friday 4 July 2014. The form will be available from Monday 16th June.

Please contact the ESCP Secretariat if you have any questions about applications.

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