The University Hospital Zurich invite ESCP members to participate in the study: Management of Anal Fistulae in Patients with Crohn’s Disease: An International Study Comparing Current Treatment Practices of Gastroenterologists and Colorectal Surgeons.



Study synopsis

The aim of the survey is to acquire detailed data, which will allow for a comparison of current treatment practices of gastroenterologists and colorectal surgeons regarding the management of fistula in ano in patients with underlying Crohn’s disease. Further, this study aims to determine whether or not current treatment practice is in accordance with international recommendations and/or current medical/scientific evidence.

For this a web-based inquiry form has been developed. The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. All acquired data will of course be handled and reported strictly anonymously.


Take the survey 

For more information contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. MD, Research fellow, Department of Visceral Surgery, University Hospital Zurich

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