Hemicolectomy Study graphicTitled 'The relationship between method of anastomosis and anastomotic failure after right hemicolectomy and ileo-caecal resection: an international snapshot audit', this study was designed to understand whether anastomotic technique impacts upon postoperative outcomes.

Data on 3208 operations was gathered from 284 hospitals across 39 countries in Europe and beyond. This dataset is rich with information and we expect this to be the first of a number of publications.

Some background

Right hemicolectomy and ileo-caecal resection are two of the most commonly performed colorectal resections, with an estimated combined 83,000 undertaken across Europe each year. Variability exists in the techniques utilised to undertake these operations. This high quality pan-European prospective audit will describe current practice, outcomes and early complication rates. The study explored differences in patients, techniques and outcomes across the international cohort.

Over 1000 co-investigators have contributed to the study and will be accredited in all publications arising from it.

It is not too late to participate in the 2017 ESCP Cohort Study.

This study will collect data on patients undergoing left sided and rectal resections, completing the ESCP’s series of studies about colonic anastomoses. Any centre in the world will be welcome to participate.

Please go to http://www.escp.eu.com/research/cohort-studies for more information and team registration.

In addition our Cohort Sub-Committee is growing and we would welcome expressions of interest for the committee, as well as helping with publications.

ESCP Affiliates