ESCP Snapshot Audit 2017: the number of records has surpassed 3000!

2017 Audit: 3000+ patients; 1600+ collaborators; 350+ centres; 50+ countries

The 2017 Snapshot Audit has received 3200 records at the start of May 2017, which should prove to be the most successful ESCP audit to date.

Please note that the patient inclusion window ends soon 10 May 2017, after which the 30 day follow-up period begins for the last patients included in the audit. We strongly welcome centres to enter their data by 30 June 2017, as the database will be locked on that date!

Find the latest protocol here

The preliminary results will be presented at the ESCP conference in Berlin (September 2017).

2015 output score2015 Snapshot Audit in the top 5% of all research outputs

In the meantime, the 2015 European Society of Coloproctology collaborating group’s published paper is in the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric.

In addition, two papers about factors affecting the post-operative outcome in Crohn's disease were recently submitted.

ESCP Affiliates