Welcome to the Polish page of the ESCP web site.

We hope to give you short and useful information of Polish coloproctology activities and research. If you need more information please do not hesitate to contact me via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Polish surgeons and other medical professionals interested in coloproctology 22 years ago established Polish Club of Coloproctology (PCC)

The objective of the activities of the Club is striving to increase the level of scientific and clinical Polish coloproctology and sharing progress in this field to the general surgeons and doctors of other specialties. The Club provides a forum for discussion and exchange of experience among colorectal surgeons.

Currently there are 160 members of the club.

Currently the President of the Club is Prof. Marek Szczepkowski and President elect for the years 2014-2016 Prof. Zbigniew Lorenc

There is no specialization in coloproctology in Poland, but the Board of club makes efforts in official medical institutions in Poland to open specialization in coloproctology. There are 22 referential centers all over the country certify by the club in coloproctology.

For many years Polish Club of Coloproctology organize scientific sessions during congresses of Polish Surgical Society and Polish society of surgical oncology.

Every second year there are organized scientific symposia of the club in different cities in Poland. Last was in Poznań 30.08-1.09.2012. Next will be organised in Warsaw in 2014

Under the auspices of the Club are organized courses and training on new techniques in colorectal surgery, practical courses of modern diagnostic methods and practical Proctology.
Pollish Journal of Surgery which is official journal of PCC is currently indexed in Medline database.

Current researches:

Epidemiology and clinical aspects of intestinal stomas in Poland
The assessment of the quality of the treatment of surgical patients with rectal cancer, the international study involving centers with Germany, Lithuania, Poland and Italy.
Population: 38 milions
Number of surgeons: ~3500
Number of oncology surgeons:~450
ESCP Members: 17
Society: Polish Club of Coloproctology
ESCP Representative Name: prof. Marek Szczepkowski
National Examination: no
Journal(s): Polish Journal of Surgery
ESCP Affiliates