Welcome to the Norwegian page of the ESCP web site
This page contains details about Colorectal Surgery and research in Norway. The Norwegian Society for Colorectal Surgery is a part of the Norwegian Association of Gastrointestinal Surgery, a suborganization of the Norwegian Medical Association (www.legeforeningen.no). Also, information about the Norwegian Colorectal Cancer Registry is presented (www.kreftforeningen.no). If any member of the ESCP wishes to contact me on any matter, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone +47/99546005.
Kind regards
Johannes Kurt Schultz
Population: 5 million
ESCP Members: 20
Colorectal Surgeons: Approximately 120
Society: Norwegian Society of Colorectal Surgery, Norwegian Association for Gastrointestinal Surgery
ESCP Representative Name: Johannes Kurt Schultz
National Examination: None
Relevant achievements in Norway include:
- 1994: Establishment of the Norwegian Rectal Cancer Registry
- 2007: Establishment of the Norwegian Colorectal Cancer Registry
- 2010: New evidence-based government endorsed national guidelines for colorectal cancer
- 2002-2011: Gradual improvement nationwide of 5 year survival and local recurrence in rectal cancer patients, currently at 71% and 8.8% respectively (patients operated in the period 2004 to )2006.
- From 2012 New national database for liver met. surgery
- 2015 Establishing of LapcoNor, a regional (South East Health Authority)education program for laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery in cooperation with the Lapco program in UK
- From 2016 National registry for complications after GI surgery; NORGAST
- 2016 Establishing of the new Norwegian Society for Colorectal Surgery
Current Research:
New National trial: "Watch and Wait" in patients with complete clinical response (CCR) after neo-adjuvant chemoradiotherapy for primary locally advanced rectal cancer. Protocol finished by Des. 2016. Start of inclusion January - February 2018.
Trial completed: Scandiv Trial - RCT on Hartmann's procedure vs. laparoscopic lavage in patients with acute perforated diverticulits Hinchey grade III (currently ongoing interim analysis) http://www.scandiv.com
Future Plans:
Norwegian Registry for Treatment of Fecal Incontinence
Norwegian registry for Treatment of Rectal Prolapse
Development of LapcoNor into a national education program