Welcome to the ESCP page of Turkey

The beginning of medical tradition in Anatolia is as old as the history. Some 10 000 years old ruins of surgical performance on human skull and ancient surgical instruments has been found in a cave recently. First medical school in the European tradition was established in 1827 where the curricle was mostly in French. Modern medical schools was risen everywhere after the birth of Turkish republic in 1923 and grown famous graduates like Dr. Behcet. Turkey was used to be a safe heaven to hundreds of European and Jewish doctors including famous Rudolf Nissen, who fled to Turkey before and during the second war and gave a boost to scientific development of  medical science in Turkey.

The Turkish Surgical Society was established in 1928 and  harboured all professional activities until 1980s and the subspecialty societies were spreaded since then.

The first National Meeting of Turkish Society of Coloproctology was organized in 1981 and repeated biannually for the last 35 years. The society changed it's name as Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery in 1990. The 16th meeting was done at Antalya between 15-20 May 2017. During this meeting a post-congress course on "Anal Fistula Management" was implemented with the support of ESCP. Our next national meeting will be held on May 2019.  

The society is very active and organizes successful symposia and workshops several times in a year in addition to biannual national meetings. The website of the meetings and other details of Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery can be reached at : http://www.tkrcd.org.tr/ . There is also English version of our web page.

Population: 80.000.000  

ESCP members: 58                                                                                                                                                                          
Societies: Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery http://www.tkrcd.org.tr/, Turkish Surgical Society http://www.turkcer.org.tr/
ESCP Representative Name: Dursun Bugra (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
National Examination: General Surgery including Coloproctology
Journal: Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease hhtp://www.turkishjcrd.com/ 

The society supported 6 young surgeons to visit outstanding colorectal centers for 3-6 months to enhance the interest to the specialty among young surgeons.
Laparoscopic and robotic colorectal surgery courses trained surgeons at all levels from Turkey and neighboring countries.
Special training courses and workshops in proctology, rectal physiology testing and management of rectal cancer including TME workshops are regularly offered to the surgeons at all levels.
Current Research: Study groups are recently established and organized by the Turkish Society of Colon and Rectal Surgery

ESCP Affiliates