Welcome to the Slovenian ESCP site!


With a population of only 2 million inhabitants, Slovenia is one of the smallest nations represented in the ESCP. Slovenian surgeons have been affiliated with the ESCP from the very beginning. The surgical tradition of our country is long and has developed alongside the great names of central European surgical school.

Due to the small size of the country few Slovenian surgeons focus solely on coloproctology, while the majority of those focusing on coloproctology are general or abdominal surgeons with a special interest in the field. For the same reason it is formally not possible to specialise in coloproctology and consequently there is also no national specialised coloproctological society.

Slovenian surgeons with a special interest in coloproctology have thus found their professional forum within the Slovenian Association for Gastroenterology and Hepatology (http://www.szgh.si/), in which both gastroenterologists and digestive surgeons participate actively. Within this society a coloproctological section has been established and these topics are regularly presented at annual meetings.

Currently (2018-2020) the National representative to the ESCP is Gregor Norčič, who works as a surgeon at the Department for Abdominal Surgery of University Medical Centre Ljubljana.

Educational events dedicated to coloproctology in Slovenia are rare. However, we have organised a very successful Proctology Symposium in Ljubljana in 2018, also with participation of some foreign invited ESCP members as speakers. We hope that we will able to host educational events organised or supported by the ESCP in the nearest future.


ESCP Affiliates