On behalf of the Spanish members of the ESCP I extend a welcome to this page containing web links to our National Association of Coloproctology - Asociacion Española de Coloproctología - as well as to other related Spanish professional organizations. Such webs provide details about Colorectal practice and research in Spain along with information about meetings, courses, fellowships, scholarships, prizes and so on. I hope you will find this useful and informative.

In Spain Colorectal Surgery or Coloproctology is a surgical subspecialty without formal or official recognition, however around 280 Surgeons, both trainees and fully trained, are affiliated to the Asociacion Española de Coloproctologia.  Although not universally accepted many colorectal surgeons work in independent units or firms, however they remain integrated in General and Digestive Departments, sharing with other surgeons the out of hours on call duties.

So you need to be a fully trained general and digestive surgeon to become a coloproctologist.  In Spain after medical graduation there is a national competitive examination (the “popular” MIR examination) to select both an approved medical specialty and an official recognized residence training program. General and Digestive Surgery typically entails 5y of duration, however paradoxically at the end of the residence program there is any final examination as all the control is set at the entrance.

If any member of the ESCP wishes or requires further assistance on any matter please do not hesitate to let me know via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I look forward to receiving your comments.
Population: 46.438.422 (2016)
ESCP Members: 80 (July 2018)
Society: Asociación Española de Coloproctologia (AECP)
ESCP Representative Name: Juan García Armengol
National Examination: In frame of residency surgical training program
Journal(s): Colorectal Disease (journal of Spanish Assoc of Coloproctology), Cirugía Española (journal of Spanish Assoc of Surgeons)


- The “Proyecto Vikingo” (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  This is a teaching and audited process, across the country for the formation and training of multidisciplinary teams and the implementation of the TME in rectal cancer. 41 Hospitals enrolled by November 2010. Ongoing.
- The Spanish working group in fast-track surgery was launched in 2008 to expand the use of the enhance recovery program across the country http://www.ftsurgery.com/
- Under the auspice of the AECP a on-line Master in Coloproctology (400 hours) led by the Universidad de Zaragoza with a mainly practical content has been developed http://www.mastercoloproctologia.com/

Current Research:

- A phase III multicenter, single blind, randomized, comparative and add-on clinical trial, in three parallel groups, to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a new therapy with adipose-derived autologous stem cells for the treatment of complex perianal fistulas in patients without inflammatory bowel disease. Closed and analyzed, final results to be published promptly.
- Same research but restricted to patients with perforative Crohn's disease is active and recruiting patients.
- A national, albeit voluntary, register on "Colonic Anastomosis Dehiscence" has been launched past september/2011, promoted by the Sección de Coloproctologia de la Asosciación Españopla de Cirujanos.

Future Plans:

A multicentric preospective and randomized trial to evaluate the the impact of resection vs non-resection of the primary tumors in patients with non-resectable metastasis of colorectal cancer will begin to recruit patients launched in july 2012, promoted by Dr Biondo on behalf the Asociación Española de Coloproctología;

Other links:

Spanish Association of Surgeons (http://www.aecirujanos.es/)
Spanish Study Group of Pelvic Floor Diseases (http://www.gsuelopelvico.com/)
For events, meetings, courses, etc. supported by the AECP see: link


XXII Reunión Nacional FAECP, Bilbao, 9-11 de Mayo de 2018

XXIII Reunión Nacional FAECP, Valladolid, 15-17 de Mayo de 2019

Curso de Introducción a la Colonoscopia. AECP, 2018.

XVII Curso Teórico Práctico de Ecografía anal y rectal (Sevilla, Abril de 2018)

VI Curso de Actualización y Formación en Cirugía Colorrectal. (Barcelona, Febrero de 2018)

II Master propio profesional médico-quirúrgico sobre disfunciones del suelo pélvico (Junio 2018) 

26 Jornada Internaciones de Coloproctología. Bayona, 17-19 de Octubre de 2018

X Curso Internacional de Anatomía Aplicada a las Técnicas Quirúrgicas en Coloproctología: Cáncer colorrectal y tumores retrorrectales 
(Valencia, 29-30 de Noviembre de 2018)

-Para una actualización más detallada de los cursos realizados y pendientes en 2018 y 2019 consultar en la página web Asociación Española de Coloproctologia (AECP)


• 2 x SEIS MESES fellowships
• 4 x TRES MESES fellowships
• 4 x 3 SEMANAS observerships

Eligibility criteria

Successful applicants will be people who demonstrate potential for achieving a leadership position in colon and rectal surgery or proctology, and fulfil the following criteria:
• Be a fully paid member of ESCP (i.e. Full, Affiliate etc.) for a minimum of 12 months
• Have training in general surgery for a minimum of 5 years
• Are senior trainees or consultants at an early stage of their career
• Have a manifested interest in coloproctology (evidenced by practice, teaching, research or writings)
• Can clearly define the benefit to be gained from this experience

Submitted applications are now being reviewed by the ESCP Education Committee. Please contact the ESCP Secretariat if you have any questions about your application.

¡Os anunciaremos en nuestro próximo congreso nacional en Valladolid, en Mayo de 2019, en la página web de la AECP y en esta página web las posibilidades de entrenamiento y fellowships para el próximo año, es una buena oportunidad!

ESCP Affiliates