
Laipni lūgti ESCP mājaslapā! Šeit Jūs atradīsiet noderīgu informāciju par Eiropas koloproktologu asociacijas dalībvalstīm un nacionālajām asociācijām. ESCP mājaslapā Jūs varat arī atrast informāciju par ikgadējo kongresu prezentācijām, kā arī Latvijas koloproktologu sekcijas sēžu uzstāšanās .


As a National Delegate of Latvia I will continue to keep linkage between ESCP and ESCP members of Latvia and to provide all other responsibilities of National Delegate. In my opinion, ESCP offers a distinguished opportunity for education which I have personally used  to enhance my professional knowledge.

My main goals are to encourage the admission of new ESCP members from Latvia as well as promote more active participation in ESCP activities like the Annual Meetings,  Research Seminars and  Courses.  As National Delegate I will inform my Latvian colleagues about the activities of ESCP.

If any member of the ESCP wishes to contact me on any matter, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Population: 2067887
ESCP Members: 12
Colorectal Surgeons: 25
Colorectal Surgeon's Certificate: No
Society: Latvijas Ķirurgu Asociācijas Koloproktoloģijas sekcija (Section of Coloproctologist of Latvian Association of Surgeon )
ESCP Representative Name: Ints Bruņenieks
National Examination: General Surgery
Journal(s): Acta Chirurgica Latviensis
Future Plans: TBD
ESCP Affiliates