ESCP is committed to facilitating an inclusive conference that is open to all which is why we are delighted to offer a financial support package for up to 5 applicants for whom attendance at an ESCP Conference may not ordinarily be an option.

Successful applicants must satisfy the follow criteria:

  1. Must be employed in a relevant coloproctology role.
  2. Must reside and practice in a country ranked 100 or higher in the IMF’s GDP per Capita table. Click here to view this table.
  3. Must submit a report, prior to their attendance at conference, on the state of coloproctology in their country.
  4. Must be an ESCP member at the time of applying. Click here to join.

The support offered to successful applicants includes:

  1. Complimentary registration to the annual ESCP Conference, including a ticket to the Conference Dinner
  2. Complimentary accommodation in the city of the ESCP Conference
  3. Travel bursary of up to €1000

Should you wish to apply, please submit a short CV and covering letter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 28 June 2019. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED.

Applications will be assessed by ESCP Committee Members and all applicants will be advised of the outcome via email by 5 July 2019.

Please note that delegates who have previously availed of this policy are welcome to apply again, however preference will be given to new applicants should ESCP receive more than 5 applications.

Major Sponsors

ESCP gratefully acknowledges diamond sponsors Ethicon, Frankenman, Intuitive, Medtronic and Takeda, and sapphire sponsors B Braun and THD.

Ethicon: Limit the Leaks advertWhen you put patients' health first, remarkable things happen: Frankenman ESCP Diamond Sponsor

Takeda banner 2019Intuitive banner 400px wide

B Braun. Endoluminal Vacuum Therapy. Visit us at Booth no 57!

ESCP Affiliates