Photo of Claudio WainsteinProfessional title: MD, Colorectal Surgeon

Year of primary qualification: 1983 (medical school ), 1987 (general surgery), 1989 (colorectal surgery)

Current institutions: Clinica Las Condes, Santiago de Chile (Colorectal Surgeon); Pelvic Floor Disorders Center, Clinica Las Condes, Santiago de Chile (Chairman); Universidad de Chile (Professor of Surgery)

Title of presentation: After surgery for obstructed defecation (Symposium: Proctological complications/recurrences)

Learning objectives: Obstructed defecation is a common symptom in constipated patients. Surgical treatment, intended to improve the patient's symptoms, could worsen their quality of life if it is not well indicated or performed. Complications after surgery are not uncommon, and their management is a real challenge for the surgeons. My presentation focus on the alternative treatments, how to taylor the best surgery for each individual patient and what to do after the surgery to improve their quality of life.

Clinical/research background

Dr Wainstein is a colorectal surgeon at Clinica Las Condes in Santiago de Chile. He specialises in laparoscopic colorectal surgery and pelvic reconstructive surgery for pelvic floor disorders.

He is chairman of the Pelvic Floor Disorders Center at Clinica Las Condes. This is a multidisciplinary group where urogyanecologists, urologists, colorectal surgeons, gastroenterologists, geriatricians, pelvic pain specialists, psychiatricists, psychologists, neurologists, stomatherapy nurses, physioterapists and a coordinator nurse work together as a committee, evaluating hundreds of complex patients since 2009. This is a unique center in Chile.

Dr Wainstein's new projects includes robotic surgery and the use of stem cell therapy in patients with Crohn’s disease.

Relevant peer-reviewed publications

  1. Claudio Heine T., Francisco López K., Claudio Wainstein G., Udo Kronberg, Jorge Larach S., Andrés Larach K., Pedro Medina T., E.U. Eliana Pinto S. Reparación con malla de hernia paracolostómica por vía laparoscópica. Presentación de dos casos clínicos y revisión de la literatura. Rev. Chil Cir. 2008; 60: 542-547.
  2. F. López K., U. Kronberg, C. Heine T., C. Wainstein G., A. Larach K., J. Larach K. Cirugía laparoscópica en Cáncer de Colon. Rev. Med. Clin. Condes. 2008; 19(4) 405-411.
  3. Claudio Heine T., Francisco López K., Claudio Wainstein G., Udo Kronberg, Jorge Larach S., Andrés Larach K, Pedro Medina T., E.U. Eliana Pinto S. Reparación con malla de hernia paracolostómica por vía laparoscópica. Presentación de dos casos clínicos y revisión de la literatura. Rev. Chil Cir. 2008; 60: 542-547.
  4. C. Wainstein, R. Quera, MI Quijada. Incontinencia fecal en el adulto: un desafío permanente. Rev Med CLC 2013; 24: 249-261.
  5. C. Wainstein, K. Carrillo, AJ. Zarate, B. Fuentes, M. Venegas, R. Quera, A. Larach, J. Larach, F. López-Köstner. Resultados de la de rehabilitación pelviperineal en pacientes con disinergia del piso pelviano. Cir Esp. 2014; 92: 95–99.
  6. C. Estay, A.J. Zarate, M. Castro, U. Kronberg, F. López-Kostner, C. Wainstein. Does obesity increase early postoperative complications after laparoscopic colorectal surgery? Results from a single-center case - control study. Surg Endosc (2014) 28:2090-2096.

Information submitted for ESCP Barcelona 2014

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