Main Session
08:30 - 10:00 Symposium - Debates in colorectal surgery
Chairs: Donato Francesco Altomare (Italy),
Per-Olof Nyström (Sweden)

PPH is the preferred surgical alternative
Alexander Herold (Germany)

Traditional hemorrhoidectomy is the
preferred surgical alternative
Adam Dziki (Poland)

Rectal Prolapse
Abdominal procedure is the preferred
surgical alternative
David Bartolo (UK)

Perineal procedure is the preferred
surgical alternative
Mario Pescatori (Italy)

Hand assisted is the preferred method
Stefan Post (Germany)

Pure laparoscopy is the preferred method
Conor Delaney (USA)
 Parallel Session
08:30 - 10:00 Free paper sessions
Chairs: Rait Labotkin (Estonia),
Annika Sjövall (Sweden)

Fecal incontinence in men and women:
A comparative study
- Dimitrios Christoforidis (United states)

An investigation Into The Association
Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome And
Anal Incontinence In Women
- Baber N Chaudhary (United Kingdom)

The Outcomes of Stapled Trans-Anal Rectal
Resection (STARR) vs. Biofeedback (BF) in
the Treatment of Defaecatory Obstruction
associated with Rectocele, Rectal
Intussusception and Anismus. A
multi-centre Controlled Trial
- Paul-Antoine Lehur (France)

Colonic Electrical stimulation reduces bowel
transit time in a chronic animal model
- Julien Vaucher (Switzerland)

Dynamic MRI of the Pelvis: Is it Necessary to
the Decision for Coloprotological Therapy in
Disorders of the Pelvic Floor
- Dirk Weimann (Germany)

Transobturator Post-Anal Sling (TOPAS)
Procedure for Fecal Incontinence
- Peter Rosenblatt (United States)

Five years Experience With Sacral Nerve
Stimulation For Fecal Incontinence
- Hanne Bech Michelsen (Denmark)

Assessment Of Posterior Compartment
Prolapse; Evacuation Proctography Or
3D- Transperineal Ultrasound?
- Daniella M.J Oom (Netherlands)

Three dimensional (3 D) CT imaging and
navigation in Sacral Nerve Stimulation
- Astrid Rydning (Norway)

10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
 Main Session
10:30 - 11:15 ESCP Annual General Meeting
11:15 - 12:15 Six best papers
Chairs: Jean-Claude Givel (Switzerland),
Najib Haboubi (UK)

The Colorectal Disease Prize awarded to
the winner of the six best papers

Supported by Deltex Medical Ltd
12:15 - 13:35 Symposium - Consultants’ corner
Chair: Søren Laurberg (Denmark)
Panel: Conor Delaney (USA)
Fumio Konishi (Japan)
Zoran Krivokapic (Serbia and Montenegro)
Godfrey LaFerla (Malta)
Lars Påhlman (Sweden)
Dainius Pavalkis (Lithuania)
13:35 - 13:45 Official Closing
Lars Påhlman (Sweden)
Andrew Shorthouse (UK)
Godfrey LaFerla (Malta)
ESCP Affiliates