Luis Miguel Jimenez GomezYear of primary qualification: 2000 (Medical Studies), 2006 (Gastrintestinal Surgery), 2012 (Coloproctology)

Current institution: University Hospital Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

Title of presentation: Normal ultrasound anatomy of the anal canal and rectum (7th Anorectal and Pelvic Ultrasound Seminar)

Learning objectives: Assimilate ultrasound normal anatomic patterns of the anus and rectum

Clinical/research background

  • Consultant in Coloproctology Unit. University Hospital Vall d’Hebron. Barcelona- Spain (2010 to present)
  • Consultant in Coloproctology Unit. University Hospital Gregorio Maranon. Madrid- Spain (2006-2009)
  • European Board of Coloproctology (2010)
  • Board member Coloproctology Section of the Spanish Association of Surgeons

Relevant peer-reviewed publications

  1. Vallribera Valls F, Landi F, Espin Basany E, Sanchez Garcia JL, Jimenez Gomez LM, Marti Gallostra M, Salgado Cruz L, Armengol Carrasco M. Laparoscopy-assisted versus open colectomy for treatment of colon cancer in the elderly: morbidity and mortality outcomes in 545 patients. Surg Endosc. 2014 Dec;28(12):3373-8.
  2. Juul T, Ahlberg M, Biondo S, Espin E, Jimenez LM, Matzel KE, Palmer G, Trenti L, Zhang W, Laurberg S, Christensen P. Low anterior resection syndrome and quality of life: an international multicenter study. Dis Colon Rectum. 2014 May;57(5):585-91.
  3. Juul T, Ahlberg M, Biondo S, Emmertsen KJ, Espin E, Jimenez LM, Matzel KE, Palmer G, Sauermann A, Trenti L, Zhang W, Laurberg S, Christensen P. International Validation of the Low Anterior Resection Syndrome Score. Ann Surg. 2014 Apr;259(4):728-34.
  4. L Salgado-Cruz, E Espin-Basany, F Vallribera-Val. Double barrelled wet colostomy: initial experience and literature review. ScientificWorldJournal. 2014;2014:961409.

Information submitted for ESCP Dublin 2015

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