Year of primary qualification: 1982
Current institution: Cleveland Clinic, Florida, USA
Social media contacts: LinkedIn
Title of presentation: Long-term morbidity and functional outcome (Symposium: Ulcerative colitis)
Learning objectives: Define the long term functional outcome following restorative proctocolectomy (J-pouch) for mucosal ulcerative colitis; Evaluate the long term morbidity including septic complications and pouchitis following restorative proctocoletcomy (J-pouch).
Clinical/research background
My research and clinical interests in surgery for mucosal ulcerative colitis have included laparoscopy, pouch surgery in the obese, pouch surgery in the elderly, re-operative pouch surgery, and treatment of ileal pouch anal anastomotic complications.
Relevant peer-reviewed publications
- Maya AM, Boutros M, DaSilva G, Wexner SD. IPAA-related sepsis significantly increases morbidity of ileoanal pouch excision. Dis Colon Rectum 2015:58(5):488-492.
- Theodoropoulos GE, Choman EN, Wexner SD. Salvage procedures after restorative proctocolectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Coll Surg 2015 Feb;220(2):225-242.
- Allende D, Elmessiry M, Hao W, daSilva G, Wexner SD, Bejarano P, Berho M. Inter-observer and intra-observer variability in the diagnosis of dysplasia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: correlation of pathological and endoscopic findings. Colorectal Dis 2014 Sep;16(9):710-8.
- Huang E, Wexner SD. SSAT/ASCRS Joint Symposium: Controversies in surgery for ulcerative colitis. J Gastrointest Surg 2014 July:18(7):1227-1228.
- Takano S, Boutros M, Wexner SD. Laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy with ileal J-pouch creation through the umbilical port. J Am Coll Surg 2014;218(1)e5.
Information submitted for ESCP Dublin 2015