Pawel WieczorekYear of primary qualification: 1987

Current institution: Medical University of Lublin, Poland

Social media contacts: ResearchGate

Title of presentation: Ultrasound of anterior compartment disorders (7th Anorectal and Pelvic Ultrasound Seminar)

Learning objectives: Introduction to pelvic floor ultrasound - anterior compartment: anatomical accesses - transperineal (TPUS), endovaginal (EVUS), endoanal (EAUS); multidimensional ultrasound - 2D, 3D, 4D; types of transducers; possibilities/advantages and limitations/disadvantages of various anatomical accesses and transducers. Pelvic floor pathologies: urinary incontinence; pelvic organ prolapse; cystocele; rectocele; enterocele; post-surgical assessment.

Clinical/research background

  • Experience in pelvic floor ultrasound: since 2004
  • Types of examinations performed:
    • transabdominal
    • translabial/transperineal (2D/3D/4D)
    • endovaginal (2D/3D)
    • endoanal (2D/3D)
  • Diagnostics of urinary inctontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and other pathologies within pelvic floor
  • Pre/post operative diagnostics of tapes, meshes and post-operative complications
  • Number of examinations performed: approximately 300 per year

Relevant peer-reviewed publications

  1. Santoro GA, Wieczorek P, Stankiewicz A, Wozniak MM, Bogusiewicz M, Rechberger T. High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Endovaginal Ultrasonography In The Assessment Of Pelvic Floor Anatomy: A Preliminary Study. Int. Urogynecol. J. Pelvic Floor Dysfunct. 2009 Vol. 20 Nr 10, S. 1213-1222,
  2. Santoro GA, Wieczorek AP, Dietz HP, Mellgren A, Sultan AH, Shobeiri SA, Stankiewicz A, Bartram C. State of the art: an integrated approach to pelvic floor ultrasonography. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 2011 vol. 37 nr 4, s. 381-396, bibliogr.
  3. Santoro GA, Wieczorek AP, Shobeiri SA, Mueller ER, Pilat J, Stankiewicz A, Battistella G. Interobserver and interdisciplinary reproducibility of 3D endovaginal ultrasound assessment of pelvic floor anatomy. Int. Urogynecol. J. 2011 vol. 22 nr 1, s. 53-59, bibliogr.
  4. Santoro GA, Wieczorek AP, Bartram C. Pelvic Floor Disorders. Imaging and Multidisciplinary Approach to Management. Eds. Springer Verlag Italy, 2010
  5. Wieczorek AP, Woźniak MM, Stankiewicz A, Santoro GA, Rechberger MBT, Scholbach J. Quantitative assessment of urethral vascularity in nulliparous females using high-frequency endovaginal ultrasonography. World J. Urol. 2011 vol. 29 nr 5, s. 625-632, bibliogr. poz. 29.

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